Cranio-Sacral Therapy in Austin

cranioCranio-sacral therapy uses gentle holding and traction to listen to the body’s subtle rhythms and affect the circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid.  It is especially effective for integrating physical and emotional traumas and helping with conditions like migraines or TMJ.

Craniosacral therapists are trained to palpate the subtle fluid motions located deep within the nervous system (NS). When the nervous system is overwhelmed by stress or trauma, the body’s immune function is impaired.  NS dysfunction is a factor in 80% of symptoms for which patients seek medical attention.  Through gentle touch and holding of the bony and soft tissues around the central nervous system, craniosacral therapy (CST) affects this fluid system and helps restore its function of self-healing and trauma resolution.

Before your first CST session at Myo, please fill out this form.


30 Minutes$67
60 Minutes$130
90 Minutes$195