Feldenkrais Method in Austin

The Feldenkrais Method® is a somatic education system which uses gentle movement and directed attention to explore habitual movement patterns and discover new, more efficient, graceful and pain-free ways of moving.  These movement lessons help you learn how to quit hurting yourself and your performance and start experiencing the pleasure of easier, better-organized movement, posture and balance. You will be accessing your natural ability to learn by experimentation and careful attention to what you’re doing, rather than by rote repetition. During each class, you will be verbally guided through a sequence of movements intended to clarify for your nervous system an underlying functional pattern that you find in many of your activities. Your attention will also be guided to kinesthetic sensations that accompany those movements. Most of these lessons will be done while lying on the floor; most of the movements are done unusually slowly and with as little effort as possible; and always you will move within your range of comfort because learning requires attention to how, not how far, you move.

The changes that occur during a lesson feel good. If you’re suffering from pain, you’re likely to experience significant pain-relief during and following a lesson. With regular practice of the Feldenkrais Method®, you can also expect to experience cumulative, lasting improvement in your ability to do whatever you want to do with ease and without causing or aggravating pain and injury.

Vivian also offers private Feldenkrais Functional Integration® sessions.


5-Class Pass$100
10-Class Pass$160
Myo Membership
(6 classes + 1 massage per month)
Movement Membership
(unlimited classes)
Unlimited Membership
(unlimited classes + 1 massage per month)