Sheryl Clark

About Sheryl

Pronouns: She/Her

  • Training: 560
  • School: McLennan Community college
  • Licensed since: 2024
  • With Myo since: 2024
  • Continuing Education: N/A
  • Areas of expertise: Myo, Swedish
Sheryl Clark started massage in January of 2024. Her strengths are in  pain management, stress reduction, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. She is a graduate of the McLennan Community College program. Clients are often surprised that she is new to massage therapy and describe her massage style as intuitive and detailed. Sheryl is a former English teacher, current personal trainer, and artist.
How long have you been a licensed massage therapist?

Just under a year.

How many hours of training do you have?

560 school hours, 12 CEU hours, and 8 months hands on experience

Why did you choose massage therapy as your career?

After leaving education I wanted a career that would combine my passion for helping others with my interest in whole health and wellbeing.

Where did you go to school for massage?

McLennan Community College in Waco.

How do you describe your massage/work to others?

A mixture of relaxing and therapeutic. I find areas that need detailed work and shift from detailed to broad to create a healing and relaxing experience.

What are some examples of Continuing Education you are interested in and why?

I’d like to learn more about working with folx with PTSD/CPTSD. I have personal experience with this and am interested in the ways massage can help reconnect people to their bodies.

What do you do to stay healthy?

I eat primarily whole, nutrient dense foods, walk at least 30 minutes a day, do yoga, and lift weights.

How has receiving massage affected you pesonally?

I had an amazing therapist who helped me understand my own body and the ways I carried my stress. She’s the reason massage therapy was on my radar when changing careers.

What do you like about working at Myo Massage?

I love Myo’s mission for improving health, mobility, and wellness.