Receiving regular massage is a fantastic idea for a new year’s resolution. Check out the reasons why massage could make your 2018 better and then give us a call to take one step closer to a happier, healthier you! bit.ly/2CDSqTN
It’s that time of year – cold and flu season! This is a friendly reminder that viral and bacterial infections are contraindications for massage. We ask that you stay home and rest if you are feeling ill; massage can make symptoms worse, as well as risk spreading infection to your massage therapist and their clients after. If you have an appointment and are not feeling well, please contact us at your earliest convenience to reschedule. bit.ly/2BRjwGu
Massage not only affects the musculoskeletal system, but the nervous system as well. Check out the science behind massage here: bit.ly/2xEcna6
Learn here about lymphatic massage, the lymph system, and why you should receive lymphatic bodywork: bit.ly/1DBfGyy